“It’s not about the kill, it’s about the hunt.” This a phrase you hear time and time again as you surround yourself with ethical hunters. But what does it really mean?
Well, it’s a saying that encourages one to reflect upon the entire experience rather than the harvest alone. It brings light to the significance of quality time shared with family and friends in the field. It serves as a reminder that the relationships formed, bonds created, and knowledge gained is more of a trophy than the animal killed. But the truth is, it goes even further than that. It’s about More Than The Hunt.
I got started hunting at an age too young for me to remember as a direct result of my dad’s overwhelming passion for the sport. But my continuing participation is because of my own decisions. As a young adult I was challenged as a hunter by asking myself deep moral questions. Why do I hunt? Is it really good to kill animals? How can I have respect for life if I take it away? With these self imposed questions I had to really dig into my soul and identity. The answers couldn’t be found in a book or some research study because they pertained directly to me and my own beliefs. What I discovered is that I have a tremendous respect for life because I have killed. I became truly aware of the cycle of life and its importance. I am grateful for every harvest I make and I give thanks to the animal and my own God every single time I take a life. I believe it truly is nature’s way. Hunting makes me a better person in every aspect of my own life. Gratitude. Acceptance. Pride. Fulfillment. Kindness. Respect. Love. These are only some of the gifts that I have obtained and passed on through hunting.
As a husband and father of two boys, I have only begun to experience the real joys of hunting. From experiencing my wife’s first turkey to watching my boys explore the forest as we check trail cameras, I am reminded once again of why I love hunting. The thrill of passing on my own knowledge and watching my kids thrive on everything new they learn is a joy that all parents can agree to be incredibly satisfying. I am teaching my children about the rewards of putting in hard work and patience. They will learn the importance of respect for other people and all of nature. I also hope that they will develop an understanding of how crucial it is to always remain susceptible to learning. Core values and strong morals have surfaced in my life because of the passion I have for hunting. Not only does hunting give me an opportunity to grow as an individual but it gives me a platform to positively impact the lives of so many people around me.
It’s not just about the kill. It’s not just about the hunt. It’s about so much More Than The Hunt. I believe everyone is meant to give back and help others in some way. In a way that is touching to their heart. In a way that is fueled with their genuine passion. I have found my way. And that is why I hunt.